The effect of salary equity perception on the retention intention of public-interest kindergarten teachers: The mediating effect of salary satisfaction and the moderating effect of opportunity equity perception |
LIU Yan, SONG Liqin |
Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875 |
Abstract In order to study the impact of salary equity perception on the retention intention of public-interest kindergarten teachers and the moderating effect of opportunity equity perception in it, the salary equity perception scale, salary satisfaction scale, opportunity equity perception scale and retention intention scale were used to conduct a questionnaire survey among 1656 public-interest kindergarten teachers. The results showed that: (1) The salary equity perception positively predicted retention intention. (2) Salary satisfaction partially played an intermediary role between salary equity perception and retention intention. (3) Opportunity equity perception could adjust the impact of pay satisfaction on retention intention. The higher level of opportunity equity perception, the stronger retention intention of public-interest kindergarten teachers. The results showed that creating a fair and friendly working environment was of great practical significance for stabilizing the public-interest kindergarten teachers and improving the quality of education.
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