The impact of grass-roots civil servant’s career plateau on work-family conflict:The mediating effect of emotional exhaustion and the moderating effect of psychological detachment |
ZHANG Xinyong1, FENG Junping2 |
1. Department of Applied Psychology, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou 510006; 2. Maoming Polytechnic, Maoming 525000 |
Abstract In order to explore the impact of career plateau on emotional exhaustion and work-family conflict, 335 civil servants were surveyed using the Career Plateau Questionnaire, the Emotional Exhaustion Questionnaire, the Work-Family Conflict Questionnaire and the Psychological Detachment Questionnaire. The results showed that career plateau and work-family conflict were significantly and positively related; Emotional exhaustion partially mediated the relationship between career plateau and work-family conflict; Psychological detachment moderated the relationship between career plateau and emotional exhaustion, and moderated the mediating effect of career plateau on work-family conflict through emotional exhaustion.
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