“One-dimensional” mentality: The effects and mechanism of bottom-line mentality |
LIANG Fenghua1,2, DUAN Jinyun1 |
1 School of Psychology and Cognitive Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062; 2 School of Education Science, ShangRao Normal University, ShangRao 340001 |
Abstract The bottom-line mentality refers to a one-dimensional mindset in which an individual or organization only focuses on bottom line outcomes and ignores competing organizational priorities. As research on BLM continues to develop, recent research has turned from the disadvantages to the benefits of BLM. Furthermore, research on BLM has not only focused its role in the work domain but also began to consider how it relates to the family domain. Social exchange theory, social cognitive theory, social information processing theory, conservation of resource theory, etc., were used to explain the underlying path and internal mechanism of the effects of BLM. Research on BLM is still in its infancy. More research is needed to explore the impact of BLM at the individual and organizational level. Future studies can also investigate the functional and dysfunctional effects of BLM across different cultures. And studies that use more diversified methods and theory perspectives to investigate the antecedents and consequences of supervisors’ and employees’ BLM are needed. Research that continues to investigate the processes and conditions to further understand how and when BLM becomes deleterious and beneficial is also encouraged.
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