The effect of post-disaster psychological recovery on employees' work passion:A moderated mediation model |
JIA yanling1, HAO Riyan1, WANG Ning1,2, TIAN Zhenzhen1, BAI Xiaoya1 |
1 School of Management, Xian Polytechnic University, Xi'an 710048; 2 School of Management, Xian Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049 |
Abstract Based on the resource conservation theory, this study adopted questionnaire survey and introduced post-disaster psychological recovery to explore the mediating role of work meaningfulness between post-disaster psychological recovery and employees' work passion, as well as the moderating role of leaders' empathy. The results of 607 survey data showed that:(1) Post-disaster psychological recovery positively affected work passion;(2) Work meaningfulness played a partial mediating role in the relationship between the dimensions of post-disaster psychological recovery and work passion;(3) Leader empathy negatively moderated the relationship between the dimensions of post-disaster psychological recovery and work meaningfulness;(4) The moderating effect of leader empathy on the relationship between post traumatic growth and work passion was more significant in low leader empathy. Through this research, it is expected to provide beneficial enlightenment and practical guidance for organizations and individuals to tide over the epidemic smoothly, arouse their work passion and maintain the vitality of enterprises.
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