The effect of pretend play on development of preschool children’s executive function |
LI Quan1, FENG Tingyong2 |
1 College of Teacher Education, Qujing Normal University, Qujing 655011; 2 Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715 |
Abstract The present study (N=55) attempted to use a 2(group: pretend play training vs no-training) × 2(test time: pre vs post) between-and-within-subjects design to investigate the effect of pretend play training on development of 4-and 4.5-year-old children’s executive function. The results revealed that: (1) Children’s executive function didn’t show significant difference during pretest. (2) Children’s executive function improved significantly in pretend play group during posttest. Training children’s inhibition control improved significantly during posttest than no-training group. Working memory and problem solving were marginal significant during pre-posttest. In conclusion, our results suggested pretend play can improve children’s executive function.
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