The influence of parenting style on career development of Chinese secondary vocational students: Moderated mediating effect |
ZHAO Xiaoyu1,2, CHEN Jianwen1 |
1 Institute of Educational Science, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074; 2 Institute of Educational Science in Xiangxi, Jishou 416000 |
Abstract In order to clarify influencing factors and mechanism of the career development among secondary vocational students, a moderated mediation model was constructed to examine the direct impact of parenting style, the mediating role of academic self-concept and the moderation of conscientiousness. The results of a survey to 2902 secondary vocational students showed that: 1) After controlling for gender and grade, parenting style had a significant positive predictive effect on career development; 2) Academic self-concept played a mediating role between parenting style and career development; 3) The predictive effects of parenting style and academic self-concept on career development were both moderated by conscientiousness. These results have enlightening significance for the academic guidance and career education of secondary vocational students.
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