Relationship among work stress, forgiveness and job burnout: A study based on a cadre group |
LIU Hengchao1, XU Yan2, WEN Bosong3 |
1 Editorial Department of Journal of Shanghai Administration Institute, Shanghai Administration Institute,Shanghai 200233; 2 Faculty of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875; 3 Jiaoyulu Executive Leadership Academy, Kaifeng 475300 |
Abstract The relationship between job stress and burnout is complex, and there are moderating factors between them. In this study, the moderating effect of forgiveness on the relationship between job stress and burnout was examined using a questionnaire survey with a sample of 688 cadres. The results of the study showed that: (1) The moderating effect of forgiveness on the relationship between job stress and burnout was significant. (2) The effect of job stress on burnout was significantly different at three levels of forgiveness: high, medium, and low. Therefore, in the cadre group, forgiveness capacity development is one of the important strategies to prevent and treat burnout.
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