The controversies in the post-error adjustment effect:Functional adaptability and task specificity |
WANG Lijun, LI Yongxin, ZHAO Guoxiang |
Institute of Psychology and Behavior, Institute of Cognition, Brain and Health, Henan University,Kaifeng 475004 |
Abstract Post-error adjustment effect refers to the phenomenon that individuals actively adjust their neural activities and behaviors by using appropriate cognitive resources to optimize their future performance after the occurrence of errors. Emerging studies on the functional adaptability and task specificity of post-error adjustment are in dispute. Functional adaptation of errors focuses on whether the occurrence of errors promotes or interferes with subsequent behavior, while task-specificity of errors focuses on whether post-error adjustment is an adjustment to specific error sources. In order to deeply comprehend the mechanism of post-error adjustment, future research should focus on the role of cognitive processing such as attentional alertness and working memory in post-error adjustment, as well as the application of physiological indicators of bottom-up processing in post-error adjustment.
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