The relationship between emotional parenting and adolescents' depression:The mediating roles of implicit theories of emotion and gratitude |
WU Li, FU Jiawei, GUO Yuanxiang |
College of Education, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079 |
Abstract To examine the relationship between emotional parenting and adolescents' depression, as well as the underlying mechanism - the potential mediating roles of implicit theories of emotion and gratitude. A sample of 397 middle school students was asked to participate into this study, and the results found that: (1) The supportive emotional parenting was negatively associated with depression, while the non-supportive emotional parenting was positively associated with depression; (2) Both the implicit theories of emotion and gratitude could significantly mediate the relation between supportive emotional parenting and adolescents' depression; While only the mediating effect of implicit theories of emotion was significant in the relation between non-supportive emotional parenting and adolescents' depression. These findings indicated the influences of supportive and non-supportive emotional parenting on adolescents' depression were different, and the mediating effects of implicit theories of emotion and gratitude in these associations were also different. This study revealed the mechanism of emotional parenting affecting adolescents' depression, which can provide empirical evidence for family education and relevant intervention practice of adolescents' positive development.
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