Applicability survey of the Sensitivity to Criticism Scale among secondary school students |
ZHANG Wenli, DENG Wengen |
School of Psychology, Hainan Normal University, Haikou 571158 |
Abstract This research explored the adaptability of the sensitivity to criticism scale (SCS) in secondary school students, and the differences of critical sensitivity in demographic variables. A total of 683 secondary school students were recruited randomly for this research. The results demonstrated that the revised questionnaire contained 5 dimensions of self-management, interpersonal interaction, competence performance, self-satisfaction and personality performance with 21 items. The five-factor model fitted well ((2/df =2.30, GFI=0.90, CFI=0.93, TLI=0.91, RMSEA=0.062). The alpha coefficients of the total scale and each dimension were greater than 0.7. The total scores were considerably higher for the only child and senior three students. In conclusion, the sensitivity to criticism scale of secondary school students indicates satisfactory reliability and validity, and the only child and senior three students are more sensitive to criticism.
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