The impact of consideration of future consequences on exploration behaviors and exploitation behaviors: The moderated role of gender |
LIU Lidan1, WANG Zhongjun2 |
1 School of Humanities, Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, Wuhan 430065; 2 School of Psychology, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079 |
Abstract Based on construal level theory and gender difference perspective, the study conducted a two-wave designed study on the relationship between consideration of future consequences (CFC) and exploration behaviors as well as exploitation behaviors, and further testing the moderating effect of gender. The study collected a sample of scientific research personnel from different universities in China and statistically analyzed the data by Hierarchical Regression Modeling. The results showed that CFC had a positive correlation with the exploration behaviors, and a negative correlation with exploitation behaviors. Gender moderated the relationship between CFC and exploration behaviors. Specifically, CFC exerted positive effect on male university researchers’ exploration behaviors, but not on the female. Gender moderated the relationship between CFC and exploitation behaviors. Specifically, CFC exerted negative effect on female university researchers’ exploitation behaviors, but not on the male. The study contributes the research on effectiveness of CFC and provides a new perspective on the factors of employees’ innovative behaviors. The conclusions have practical significance to promote organizational innovation and scientific research personnel management.
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